Ginger and Turmeric Immunity Booster Pack
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Quantity/Pack: 3 packages (16 Ounces each)
Seasonality: Year round
Origin: Varies
Now more than ever, consumers are looking to fresh produce to support their health and this pack is the answer! It is commonly believed that ginger can help fight the common cold and relieve upset stomachs, and turmeric is believed to support the normal function of the skin and immune system, among many other potential benefits that are currently being studied.
Simply juice ginger, turmeric and your favorite citrus, then sprinkle in some ground black pepper to help with absorption and drink to your health. Start your day off on the right foot and have this fresh juice scene become a part of your daily routine. Salud!
We import the best quality Ginger available from China, Thailand, Brazil and/or Hawaii, depending upon the time of year, and our turmeric is the finest the Fiji Islands has to offer.
Selection and storage: Choose fresh ginger and turmeric that are smooth in appearance; wrinkling of the skin is a sign of age and deteriorated flavor. Store with peel still on in a small paper bag or wrapped in a paper towel in the refrigerator for three weeks.