Medley Cocktail Tomatoes
Seasonality: Year Round
Origin: Mexico
Smaller than a Roma and larger than a cherry tomato, the Cocktail is one of the juiciest, flavor-packed tomatoes in the marketplace.
Hot house grown for year around availability, these clusters of multi-colored Cocktail Tomatoes, in shades of red, yellow, orange, green, brown and black, have the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.
They are wonderful roasted or added to salads for a splash of color and exquisite taste.
Select tomatoes that are heavy for their size, with no bruises or blemishes. Store fresh ripe tomatoes in a cool, dark place and use within a few days. Refrigeration is the enemy of the tomato as it nullifies flavor and turns the flesh mealy.
For Chefs & Produce Managers
Food Service: 323-584-4940
Produce Managers: 800-468-7111