Red Walnuts
Quantity/Pack: 3 packages (5 Ounces each)
Seasonality: Sept - Feb
Origin: USA
In general, nuts are good sources of fat, fiber and protein, and are a great healthy snack option. This California specialty comes from the careful breeding of two varieties to unite the beautiful red-skinned Persian walnuts and the creaminess of English walnuts. Melissa’s Red Walnuts have deep cherry-colored skin and bright, ivory-colored meat that is sweet, with no trace of bitterness. Red walnuts can add something special to a variety of courses in any meal; crush and dredge your proteins, candy or roast as a salad topper, or coarsely chop for your next cookie recipe – the options are endless!
Nutrition Powerhouse:
Red Walnuts are a source of the omega-3, as well as many other nutrients. Walnuts help heart function, bone’s health and skeletal system, and contain a number of neuroprotective compounds, including vitamin E, folate, melatonin and antioxidants.
Sprinkle red walnuts, raw or glazed, on salad for an extra splash of color and taste. Whether used as a dessert baking ingredient, roasted with root vegetables or tossed into pasta,
Red walnuts can add something special to a variety of courses in any meal!
Product of California.
For Chefs & Produce Managers
Food Service: 323-584-4940
Produce Managers: 800-468-7111