Blueberry Grapes
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Quantity/Pack: 2 packages (2 Pounds each)
Seasonality: July-Mid-August
Origin: USA-CA
Blueberry Grapes are an exciting new variety named for their visual resemblance to blueberries. (The grape is small with a nice bloom that makes it resemble a blueberry.) However, the taste is anything but. Imagine a Thomcord with a crunch and bright candy flavor rather than grape jelly flavor.
It’s delicious as a fresh, healthy snack, on cheeseboards, tossed into green or fruit salads, fruit leather. Try it in a salad with cherry tomatoes, fresh basil and balsamic glaze.
They may be stored for up to two weeks wrapped in a paper towel in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd day.
Any orders that do not have the appropriate shipping method selected will not be shipped out. For assistance, please call us at 800-588-0151.