Organic Kumquats
Quantity/Pack: 2 pounds
Seasonality: Jan-Mar & Dec
Origin: USA
A native of China, and also grown in Japan and the U.S., the Kumquat is a citrus fruit that is entirely edible.
The word "kumquat" comes from the Cantonese kin kü, meaning "golden orange". A bit larger than an olive, the Kumquat looks like a tiny, oval orange. A native of China, and also grown in Japan and the U.S., the Kumquat is a citrus fruit that is entirely edible.
The orange flesh is juicy, acidic and tart while the skin is fragrant and sweet. They can be used in dressings and frostings, candied, or used in preserves, stuffings, cakes, and muffins.
Organic Kumquats also make a wonderfully delicious gift for the holidays and the New Year.
When selecting Melissa’s Organic Kumquats, look for firm, freshly scented fruit, free of blemishes. Avoid those with green skins. Refrigerate whole in a plastic bag for up to one month. Freezing is not recommended.
The following prohibit the shipment of any citrus into their state: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and Hawaii. If you would like to order this gift for shipment to an address in AZ, FL, GA, LA, TX, or HI, we will substitute the citrus for another seasonal fruit variety.
This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd day.
Any orders that do not have the appropriate shipping method selected will not be shipped. For assistance, please call us at 800-588-0151.
Reviewed by Melissa's Nutritionist.
For Chefs & Produce Managers
Food Service: 323-584-4940
Produce Managers: 800-468-7111