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Get 15% off selected plant proteins! Use code LENT15 at checkout. ⮞
Get 15% off selected plant proteins! Use code LENT15 at checkout. ⮞


SKU 165
Quantity/Pack: 5 Pounds
Seasonality: Year Round

Except for the thin, parchment-type covering that surrounds the tomatillo (pronounced tow-mah-TEE-oh), this fruit (belonging to the nightshade family) resembles a small, green tomato in size and shape.

Used most often when semi-soft and green, the somewhat sweet and sour flavor of the tomatillo can be enjoyed either raw or cooked. A necessary ingredient for a favorite Southwestern dish called salsa verde, the tomatillo, can also be roasted and added to other recipes or used to make salads and shish-kebabs. Simply peel off husks and wash fruit before using.

Melissa’s tomatillos are hand-selected for excellent quality. Choose firm fruit with dry husks. Avoid any that are bruised or shriveled. Can be refrigerated in a paper bag for up to one month.

This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd Day.

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Food Service: 323-584-4940
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