Sunflower Chokes (Sunchokes)
Quantity/Pack: 3 Pounds
Seasonality: Jan - May & Aug - Dec
Origin: USA
A lumpy, brown-skinned vegetable, the sunflower choke resembles ginger root but is actually a variety of sunflower root. Sometimes referred to as a Jerusalem artichoke, it is not an artichoke! Contrary to what the name implies, the Jerusalem Artichoke is not from Jerusalem but instead received its name from the Italian word for sunflower, girasole. The white flesh of the Sunflower Choke is nutty, crunchy, crisp and sweet. Use Sunflower Chokes raw in salads or cooked by boiling and steaming and serving as a side dish. Melissa’s packs these tubers in 12/1 lb. trays with a bright Melissa’s label.
Select Sunflower chokes that are firm and fresh looking. Avoid any that are soft or wrinkled. Store in a cool, dry place for up to 5 days. For use, Sunflower chokes may be peeled or simply washed and cooked in their thin skins.
This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd day.
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