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Lemondrop Melons

SKU 1481
This item is currently not in season.
Not available for sale online. Ask your local produce manager.

For Chefs & Produce Managers
Food Service: 323-584-4940
Produce Managers: 800-468-7111

Seasonality: May - Jul
Origin: USA

A hybrid of the Galia melon, the Lemon Drop Melon looks similar to its parentage with a netted, golden tan skin with distinctive light green grooves. The variety’s pale green interior fruit was purposely developed to have less sugar content and more citric acid. The result is a tart-sweet flavor, reminiscent of its lemon namesake along with a hint of honeydew juiciness. Lemon Drop melons are best eaten out of hand or used to make a refreshing summertime smoothie or sorbet. Combine chunks of this melon with sweet raspberries or strawberries for a delicious, fresh dessert.

Avoid melons that are too firm, too soft or have any part of the stem remaining at the tip end. Ripe melons can be refrigerated 5 days. Cut melons should be placed in a covered container and refrigerated for no more than three days.