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Fresh Fall Fruits from Around the World

Image of Asian Pears
Asian Pears
New crop CA-grown Asian pears are juicy and delicious. Asian pears are also known as apple pears and taste very similar to a pear but resemble an apple, which is where their name is derived. There are hundreds of varieties of Asian pears available today, making them available just about year-round. They are delicious eaten out-of-hand, and are firm and crunchy with plenty of sweet juice. They are great on fruit platters, salads, pies, desserts, or wherever you may use an apple.

Most Asian pears will last about 30 days when refrigerated, but it is always best to eat as soon as possible. Store them in the refrigerator, wrapped carefully so they will not bruise. Most are hand-picked and individually wrapped to prevent any bruising during shipping.

Image of Cherimoya
This tropical fruit has a green armored-looking skin with cream-colored flesh. They are ready-to-eat when they have a little “give” when touched. Scoop out the flesh, remove the seeds and enjoy in parfaits, fruit salads, smoothies or desserts. Cherimoyas are pungent with a tutti-frutti fragrance.

Image of Figs
Fresh Figs
Melissa’s Heirloom Figs are various varieties, including Black Mission, Tiger Stripe, Kadota, Sierra or Brown Turkey. All grown fresh in California’s Central Valley, figs are a luscious fruit, high in fiber and full of flavor! Great for eating out-of-hand, in desserts, on fruit plates or made into sauces.
Black Mission Figs are actually deep purple and one of the more popular figs. They get their name from the missionaries that were said to be the first to plant them in San Diego, California.
Tiger Stripe Figs are a beautiful yellow-green with darker stripes and a raspberry-colored interior. They are a very sweet fig, making them popular for desserts.

Figs are seasonal, so get them while you can!

Image of Grapes
Jelly Drops® are juicy purple grapes that are a cross between a Thompson seedless and a Concord grape, giving them a delicious grape jelly flavor! Eat as a snack or freeze as a special treat. They are plump and sweet. Available in both conventional and organically grown
Melissa’s Muscato™ Grapes are grown specifically to produce a better-tasting, sweeter taste than conventional grapes. They are available in Red, Green and Black. These grapes are grown on high trellis systems that allow the grapes to get more sunlight for better growth and higher sugar levels. Muscato™ grapes are delicious in fruit salads or eaten as a healthy snack anytime.
Champagne Grapes are tiny and are actually a Zante Currant (also known as Black Corinth) variety that is seedless. These miniature grapes grow on vines in clusters of as many as 300 grapes! It is believed that Champagne Grapes get their unique name because of their California usage: draped over a glass of champagne or wine as an edible garnish. They are a very sweet grape generally eaten as-is or used in desserts, smoothies and sorbets. Champagne grapes should be washed before being eaten. Keep them stored in the refrigerator for the longest shelf-life, and eat within a few days for the best flavor.
Candy Sweets® are smaller than most other grape varieties. Candy Sweets® grapes are just like candy! They are perfect for snacking, fruit salads or garnishes. They are the perfect summer snack.

Image of Mangos
Mangos are plump and juicy and one of the most popular fruits in the world. Mangos have buttery soft, yellow-orange flesh with an inedible seed.

Right now, Organic California Green Keitt Mangoes are available through September. These are one of the best-tasting mango varieties grown and available in the US. They are only available for a short time, so don’t miss out!

Image of Pomegranates
Pomegranates probably originated around Persia. The word pomegranate is Latin for “apple of numerous seeds.” They have been cultivated worldwide for thousands of years. There is even a record of pomegranates being buried in Egyptian tombs! Pomegranates are a Greek symbol of fertility. These beautiful red fruits were used for fabric dye and medicine years ago. Today, they are eaten as a sweet and delicious treat whenever they are in season.

Pomegranates are generally chosen for their size; the larger the fruit, the sweeter it will be. They are best eaten at room temperature but can be refrigerated to prolong their shelf life. Pomegranate juice and seeds can be frozen for later use. Use pomegranate seeds in fruit salads, as a garnish on plates, in sorbets, desserts or in juices.

Image of Jackfruit
Melissa’s fresh jackfruit is one of the newest items to the marketplace. Jackfruit is the largest tree fruit grown; one fruit can grow to over 100 pounds! It is commonly grown in Southeast Asia, as well as Mexico. Jackfruit has become popular in the vegetarian community for its hearty flesh and unique flavor.

Image of Rambutans
This unusual looking sub-tropical fruit contains a white grape-like flesh with a large seed. Remove the hairy-looking shell, remove the seed and enjoy the tutti-frutti flavored flesh. They are a nutritious snack and an excellent source of fiber. They are low-calorie and refreshing to enjoy anytime!
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