February 2023 The longest life spans in the world are found on the Japanese island of Okinawa. It appears they've found a few keys to longevity, and soybeans are an elemental part of their diet. Coincidence? Hardly.
November 2022 Many of us are busy planning our Thanksgiving recipes and menus. Some of us use the same tried and true recipes each year, so we are ready to start shopping, at least for the non-perishable ingredients we will use.
September 2022 While most of my recipes are now in electronic form, I still have my trusty wooden recipe box, comprised mostly of old familiar recipes from family and friends. And now that September’s upon us, comfort food and hot hearty meals come to mind.
April 2022 The first time I tried cooking a frogged chicken, I was amazed at how easy it was to cook the chicken so perfectly. And the cutting technique is relatively simple.
January 2022 While Hatch peppers have a short summer season, they’re now available dried year-round so that you can indulge in their unique flavor any day of the week. This scrumptious stew features dried Hatch peppers, and it’s perfect for lunch, dinner or a Super Bowl party.
November 2021 When I told my husband I was developing a vegan Thanksgiving recipe for this month’s blog, he said, “why”? Fair question: since we have a Thanksgiving turkey each year, and we rarely eat vegan food. I had to think for a minute before I could explain the significance of my recipe selection.