Japanese Murasaki Sweet Potatoes
SKU 1494
Quantity/Pack: 5 Pounds
Seasonality: Feb - Mar, Sep - Dec
Origin: USA
Attractive reddish-purple skin with a pure white interior, the Japanese “Murasaki” has a sweet, nutty flavor and slightly dry texture.
The variety is a versatile culinary ingredient that can be baked whole, peeled and roasted, boiled, mashed, even sliced or diced for a high-heat sauté. Compared to a common sweet potato, the Murasaki is not as creamy dense, but does have a more full-bodied flavor.
Choose tubers that are relatively heavy with no scarring or soft, discolored areas. If kept dry and cold, Purple yams will remain fresh in a home refrigerator for 3 weeks.
Reviewed by Melissa's Nutritionist.
For Chefs & Produce Managers
Food Service: 323-584-4940
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