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Caribbean Red Papayas

SKU 533
Quantity/Pack: 2 pieces (about 5 lbs.)
Seasonality: Year Round

Picked almost ready to eat, these big, beautiful fruits are bold in color with a sweet, refreshing flavor.

This delicious new arrival from Belize is large like a maradol papaya. Its melon-like flavor, fragrant aroma and beautiful salmon red interior most resemble a strawberry papaya, only much sweeter. The fruit has an extremely high sugar content (based on the Brix scale). Red papaya add color and flavor to any salad or can be served chilled topped with a dollop of vanilla ice cream for a tasty tropical sundae!

Fruit ripens green to yellow and is ripe when more than 50% of the papaya has turned a bright yellow. Caribbean Reds have a much longer shelf life than most other papaya varieties. Merchandise next to other tropical fruit from Melissa’s including maradol papaya, strawberry papaya, mangoes, and coconuts.

This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd day.

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not be shipped out. For assistance, please call us at 800-588-0151.

For Chefs & Produce Managers
Food Service: 323-584-4940
Produce Managers: 800-468-7111