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SKU 360

For Chefs & Produce Managers
Food Service: 323-584-4940
Produce Managers: 800-468-7111

Quantity/Pack: 3 packages (3 Ounces each)
Seasonality: Year Round
Origin: USA

As a member of the onion family, shallots are tender in texture, mild in flavor (less pungent than the onion), and quick cooking. On the outside, shallots have a copper-tinged brown skin, parchment-thin and brittle that covers the shallot's flesh. The flesh is off-white and tinged with purple, and arranged in onion-like layers.

Shallots make excellent additions to sauces, stews, soups and salads. Substitute for onion when a subtler, sweeter flavor is preferred. It can be eaten raw and used in salads, relishes and salsas.

Choose those with dry, papery skins and avoid any signs of moisture, green shoots or dark spots. Humidity breeds spoilage so store whole shallots in a cool, dry place with good air circulation. Once cut, tightly wrap any unused in plastic; refrigerate and use within four days.