Melissa's Carrot Bag Totes
SKU 1443-01
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Made of a washable, moisture-proo f material, the bag opens to a full 12 x 12 inch square complete with a handy shoulder strap!
Always leaving your shopping bag at home? Melissa’s convenient Carrot Bag compacts into a cute, 2-inch long carrot shape that fits easily into purse or pocket. Made of a washable, moisture-proof material, the bag opens to a full 12 x 12 inch square complete with a handy shoulder strap! This attractively designed carrot-orange grocery bag, embossed with Melissa’s carrot top logo is extra sturdy with a surprising capacity. No more cashier line realizations that you have forgotten your grocery bag yet again – it’s in your pocket!
Always leaving your shopping bag at home? Melissa’s convenient Carrot Bag compacts into a cute, 2-inch long carrot shape that fits easily into purse or pocket. Made of a washable, moisture-proof material, the bag opens to a full 12 x 12 inch square complete with a handy shoulder strap! This attractively designed carrot-orange grocery bag, embossed with Melissa’s carrot top logo is extra sturdy with a surprising capacity. No more cashier line realizations that you have forgotten your grocery bag yet again – it’s in your pocket!