Long Stem Artichokes
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Quantity/Pack: 4 count (about 5 pounds)
Seasonality: Jul - Sep, Feb - Apr
Origin: USA, Mexico
Melissa’s Long Stem Artichokes are available in two beautifully rich colors, green and purple. Their long, thick stems are full of rich meaty flavor, similar to the artichoke heart.
Melissa’s Long Stem Artichokes are available in two beautifully rich colors, green and purple. Their long, thick stems are full of rich meaty flavor, similar to the artichoke heart. The stems are very thick and need to be trimmed of their rough fiber exterior prior to cooking and eating.
Melissa’s Long Stem Artichokes are very large and the thick leaves are packed with meat. Try Long stem artichokes boiled, steamed or baked, then lightly drizzled with olive oil and topped with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon. Before cooking always squeeze lemon in cooking water to prevent darkening of artichoke petals and stem. For best flavor, cook Long Stem Artichokes until the stem and center are fork tender.
Why the long stem??? You can eat more than just the globe of these delectable veggies. What most people would see as part of an artichoke to discard is actually edible and good tasting. Enjoy the leaves, heart and stem (once peeled) by steaming, sautéing or baking them.
During preparation, place cut artichokes in cold water with lemon juice added to prevent browning.
This is a special order item and may require additional time for fulfillment.
Store Melissa’s Long Stem Artichokes in the refrigerator loosely packed. They should not be washed prior to using. They will last up to three days. Look for bright green or purple petals and stems.
This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd day.