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Summer’s Best

Image of Heirloom FigsMelissa's Heirloom Figs are various varieties of figs, including Black Mission, Tiger Stripe, Kadota, Sierra and Brown Turkey. All grown fresh in California's Central Valley, figs are a luscious fruit that's high in fiber and full of flavor! Great for eating out-of-hand, in desserts, on fruit plates or made into sauces.
Image of Black Mission Figs
Black Mission figs are actually deep purple and one of the more popular figs. They get their name from missionaries who were the first to plant these figs in San Diego, California.
Image of Tiger Striped Figs
Tiger Stripe figs are a beautiful yellow-green color with dark stripes and a raspberry-colored interior. They are very sweet figs, making them popular for desserts. All figs are a good source of calcium and essential vitamins, making them a healthy snack! Figs are seasonal, so get them while you can!
Image of EZ Open Organic Coconuts
Organic Drinking Coconuts
This delicious coconut is refreshing and delicious. Just pop the tab and insert the straw that comes with the coconut, and you will be in for a treat straight from the fruit. Once you drink all the liquid, use the flesh in savory recipes or desserts. Coconuts are a good source of fiber and potassium, and the juice is rich in electrolytes making it a perfect drink for athletes (free of additives and preservatives). Melissa's Organic Drinking Coconuts are available year-round, making them a very popular fruit!
Image of Sweet Young Coconut
Sweet Young Coconuts
Melissa’s Sweet Young Coconuts are traditionally used for the sweet, delicious coconut water it contains. It also contains a sweet pudding-like flesh that is delicious right out of the shell or in fruit salads and custards. The easiest way to enjoy the water is to carefully pierce one of the "eyes" on the coconut using Melissa's Coconut Opener. Once you pierce the hole, insert a straw, then enjoy the refreshing taste of fresh coconut water. Sweet Young Coconuts are available year-round with a shelf life of about two weeks refrigerated.
Image of Jackfruit
Melissa's fresh jackfruit is one of the newest items in the marketplace. Jackfruit is the largest fruit-bearing tree; one fruit can grow to over 30 pounds! It is commonly grown in Southeast Asia as well as Mexico. Jackfruit has become popular in vegetarian cuisine for its hearty flesh and unique flavor. It’s a rich source of vitamin B6 and potassium, making it a great alternative to meat. Jackfruit needs special care when opening, as it can be very sticky but well worth the mess.

We now have ready-to-eat Jackfruit Pods. We took all the work out of opening and peeling ripe jackfruits to create a delicious and convenient snack!
Image of Passion Fruit
Passion Fruit
Passion Fruit originated in South America, most likely Brazil, and is now grown worldwide. It is generally purple, but it can also be golden with a jelly-like golden flesh filled with soft edible seeds. Passion fruit looks like a purple egg, with a thick, hard shell that wrinkles as it ripens — the more wrinkles, the riper the fruit will be.

Passion fruit is named for the bloom of the passion fruit flower. This bloom is thought to symbolize various parts of the Passion of Christ (such as the crown of thorns and the nails of the crucifixion) and not because of any "passionate powers" it was once believed to contain.

It is generally eaten fresh but may be cooked for use in sauces and fillings. Simply halve the fruit and scoop out the pulp and seeds with a spoon. Passion fruit is best stored at room temperature. Once ripe, the flesh can be frozen once it's removed from the shell. Passion fruit is low in calories, with about 18 calories per medium fruit, and contains vitamins A and C.
Image of Rambutans
The inside of this unusual, sub-tropical fruit is white and grape-like with a large seed. Remove the hairy-looking shell, take out the seed, and enjoy the tutti-frutti flavored flesh. They are a great snack, high in fiber with nutrients known to fight cancer. They are low-calorie and refreshing to enjoy anytime!
Image of Organic Plum Bites
Organic Plum Bites
Delicious and juicy, Melissa's Plum Bites are organically grown for the best all-natural flavor around! They are a smaller sweet fruit that is perfect as a snack or made into desserts, sauces or preserves. Plum bites are a good source of vitamin C and fiber, as well as low in calories. The perfect summer treat!

Image of Jelly Drops
Jelly Drops®: These juicy purple grapes are a cross between a Thompson seedless grape and a Concord grape, giving them a delicious grape jelly flavor with great crunch! Eat as a snack or freeze as a special treat. They are plump, sweet and healthy, filled with antioxidants and low in calories at about 60 calories per cup. Available as both conventional and organically grown.
Image of Muscato Grapes
Muscato™ Grapes
Melissa's Muscato™ Grapes are grown to produce a better-flavored, sweeter tasting grape than conventional grapes. They are available in red, green and black. These grapes are grown on high trellis systems that allow the grapes to get more sunlight for better growth and higher sugar levels. Muscato™ grapes are delicious in fruit salads or eaten as a healthy snack anytime. They offer plenty of vitamin A and C and are also a great low-calorie treat.
Link to Champagne Grapes
Champagne Grapes
These tiny grapes are actually a seedless Zante Currant variety (also known as Black Corinth). These miniature grapes grow on vines in clusters of as many as 300 grapes! Some believe that Champagne Grapes get their unique name from their California usage: draped over a glass of champagne or wine as an edible garnish. They are a very sweet grape that is generally eaten as-is or used in desserts, smoothies and sorbets. Grapes are a good source of potassium, with about 65 calories in a three-ounce serving.
Image of Candy Sweets
Candy Sweets®
Smaller than most other grape varieties, Candy Sweets® are super sweet, just like candy! They are the perfect summer snack, added to fruit salads or used as a garnish.
Image of Kiwano Melon
Kiwano Melons
Also known as the African horned melon, this fascinating piece of fruit contains a lime green, jelly-like interior with the texture of a cucumber. The taste is a subtle combination of cucumber, banana, melon and lime. The outer shell is spiky golden-orange can be used as a serving dish to fill with fruit salad, dip or other delicious fillings. Kiwano melons are also used to create exotic tropical drinks or delicious sauces for seafood, poultry and vegetables.

Kiwano melons last for several weeks without refrigeration. Once they "give" to the touch, they are ripe and ready to eat. Do not store them near apples or bananas, as these fruits will shorten their shelf life. They are low in calories with only 24 calories in 3½ ounces and contain more potassium than a banana. They are also high in vitamin C.
Image of Cherimoya
Also called Custard Apple or Custard Fruit, this delicious heart-shaped fruit is a delicacy in the exotic fruit aisle. They are a hand-pollinated fruit, which makes them a time-consuming commercial crop. However, since they are grown in so many areas now, supply is not a problem. The flesh of the cherimoya is cream-colored with large, black, inedible seeds. They have a flavor similar to a blend of strawberry, mango and pineapple. To eat one, simply cut it into wedges and spoon out the creamy flesh while discarding the seeds. They are generally eaten as-is, but they can be used in drinks, fruit salads or desserts.

Cherimoyas should be kept at room temperature until they turn almost black and ready to eat; then, they can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days.

Cherimoyas contain about 94 calories per 3 ½ ounce serving. They are a great source of vitamin B and fiber.
Image of Asian Pears
Asian Pears
Asian pears, also known as apple pears, taste very similar to a pear but resemble an apple, which is where their name is derived. There are hundreds of varieties of Asian pears available today, making them available just about all year-round. They are delicious eaten out-of-hand and are firm and crunchy with plenty of sweet juice. They are great on fruit platters, salads, pies or desserts, or wherever you may use an apple.

Most Asian pears will last about 30 days when refrigerated, but it is always best to eat as soon as possible. Store them in the refrigerator, wrapped carefully, so they will not bruise. Most are handpicked and individually wrapped to prevent any bruising in shipping.

Asian pears are a good source of Vitamin B and potassium. They are also low in calories (about 44 per 3 ounces), making them the perfect snack.
Image of Keitt Mango
California Green Keitt Mango
Keitt Mangoes have completely green skin with no red/orange/yellow colorations like more common mangoes. They are large, plump and juicy and stay green when ripe. These delicious mangoes have buttery soft, fibreless, yellow-orange flesh and a relatively small seed, making for an exceptional eating experience. These domestic mangoes are not hot water treated so that you can enjoy a delicious tree-ripened eating experience. California Green Keitt Mangoes are one of the best tasting mango varieties grown and available in the U.S. They are only available in August and September, so don't miss out!
Image of Cactus Pears
Cactus Pears
Also called Prickly Pears, Indian Figs or Tunas, cactus pears are a fruit indigenous to Mexico and the Southwestern U.S. They are now grown across the country. They are becoming more and more popular among consumers. They are an egg-shaped fruit covered with spines that are carefully removed before selling. However, still take caution when handling them. Cactus pears are delicious simply cut in half and eaten out-of-hand. Use the vibrant red flesh with edible seeds in jams, sauces, salads or drinks.

Cactus pears are low in calories and a good source of vitamin C. They are also an excellent source of magnesium. Ripen fruit at room temperature, refrigerate until ready to use, no more than a few days. Cactus pears have a limited shelf life, so eat them as soon as they are ripe.
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