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Low Carb Kitchen

  • Image of Avocado Chips
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solutions: Big Game Avocado Chips

    February 2022
    As a very involved fantasy football participant (fanatic), who watches almost every NFL game played each week thanks to broadcasting technology, I am always on the lookout for new healthy, good quality, low carb game day snack foods not usually found at retail stores.
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  • Image of Avocado BLT
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solution: The BLT

    July 2021
    One of the most popular lunchtime orders in this country and, surprisingly, the U.K. is the BLT. Though the ingredients for this iconic sandwich had been around for centuries, no one thought to combine them between toasted slices of bread until 1903 at the Saratoga Race Club.
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  • Almost Tamale Pie [no cornbread]
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solutions: Almost Tamale Pie

    December 2019
    As a diagnosed carb counter, one of the foods that I miss the most at this time of year is the holiday tamale. I even had built up a reputation amongst friends...
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  • Image of Jicamas
    Melissa's Produce

    Kick-off with Jicama – Three Ways!

    September 2018
    Over half of the U.S. adult population, some 154 million, qualify as being overweight or obese. Another 29 million of us have Diabetes, many as a direct result of being overweight.
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  • Image of Edamole Dip & Chips!
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solutions: Edamole Dip & Chips!

    January 2018
    Who can resist a bowl of guacamole dip? Actually, since having to count carbs, my “guac” consumption has been limited to using this tasty mixture as a sandwich spread condiment...
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